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In this page you will be able to find videos I have worked on during my free time together with their explanations and complementary inspiration. These were done wiith the purpose of improving my skills and abailities in terms of filming and editing as well as to experiment with diverse styles and techquiniques, done through assemblinmg meaninful moments. 






the main idea behind the short video was to experiment with certain factors which I would like to include in the music video I will be working on for the music promotion package as well as create a sense of branding in terms to the DigiPack

I worked on as a complementary preliminary task. 

Starting with the choice of a single protagonist as the main focus, which is something I wasn't familiar with as noticeable from my previous works. This was based around the idea of a teaser for the  artist's album and its main track, which explains its length and the model being a representation of the artist.


Regarding filming and editing, I decided to follow a more simplistic approach given the concept behind the video and the tranquility of the song chosen. Which consisted of establishing, medium, close ups shots done with dolly and hand-held camera movements to create a sense of uncertainty. Aditionally I decided to incorporate a VHS effect done with Final Cut given that it is  something I had never done before and aimed to use for the music video task. 





this video, as noticeable was done following the trend of 'summer montages' started by artists such as Sarah Close. I decided to work on this type of video, to further practice the cut to the beat techquinique I adopted in some of my previous works such as in the Rome in 40s video but at the same time following  more specifically conventions and features of this increasingly  popular  trend. Which was done through the use of an up beat song, various characters/participants, a subvertion of continuity and the incorporation of a wide range of shots.


Aditionally it gave me the chance to practice with color correcting, given the diversity of locations and lighthing, as well as with creating textured filters such as the grainy one used to give it more of a "home-made/ personal" touch.   

inspiration  inspiration  inspiration  inspiration  inspiration  inspiration  inspiration  inspiration inspiration  inspiration  in

lost - song teaser

eolie'17 - summer monatge

inspiration  inspiration  inspiration  inspiration  inspiration  inspiration  inspiration  inspiration inspiration  inspiration  in
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